Hypochlorous Acid: Skincare’s Secret Weapon
What is all the buzz around hypochlorous acid?
Find out about this great skincare ingredient - how it's a powerhouse at killing microbes and reducing skin inflammation, all while being extreme gentle and soothing for your skin!
We've known about it for a century, it's something our own white blood cells make to protect our bodies, and it's only in recent years some clever chemists have been able to synthesise the chemical and make it stable enough to use in skincare.
So now you can see why hypochlorous acid is such a skincare powerhouse!
You might have seen it all over the media recently - the EU is apparently banning retinol?! What is going on?
Well don't panic - retinol isn't disappearing completely! Instead, there are new rules that are going to regulate its percentages in cosmetic, over-the-counter products - and this does not apply to the use of these vitamin A derivatives (prescription retinoids) by healthcare professionals.
So let’s explore what’s happening.