Research & Publications

Journal Articles

  1. Ashley E, Parmar A, Watson L, Chadha P. Retrospective Analysis of 2227 Restylane Filler Treatments in a UK Training Academy. The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. (Accepted)

  2. Ashley E, Walker L, Chadha P. Exploring the Limits of AI-Driven Beauty Assessment. J Clin Aesth Dermatol, April 2025 (Accepted)

  3. Ashley E, Chadha, P. A Review of the Multilayering Technique of Injecting Dermal Fillers. The American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. 2024:07 doi: 10.1177/07488068241304552.

  4. Ashley E, Chadha P, Watson L. Gender Disparity: A Closer Look at Speaker Composition at International Aesthetic Medicine Congresses. J Clin Aesth Dermatol, Sept 2024, Vol 17, Issue 9, 25-27.

  5. Ashley E, Parmar A, Novintan S, Watson L, Chadha P. Exploring the Psychological and Social Motivations for Aesthetic Treatments in the Post-COVID Era. J Cosmet Med, 2024;8(1):34-40, doi: 10.25056/JCM.2024.8.1.3.

  6. Ashley E.  Exploring the Skin-Diet Link. Aesthetics Journal, May 2024, Volume 11, Issue 6, pg 28-31 [CPD Article].

  7. Ashley E, Chadha P, Watson L.  Understanding Critical Appraisal. Aesthetics Journal, Mar 2024, Volume 11, Issue 4, pg 63-65.

  8. Ashley E.  Exploring the Skin Microbiome. Aesthetics Journal, Aug 2023, Volume 10, Issue 9, pg 25-27. [CPD Article].

  9. Ramjit SE, Ashley E, Donlon NE, Weiss A, Doyle F, Heskin L. Safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive esophagectomies versus open esophagectomies: an umbrella review. Dis Esophagus. 2022 May 22:doac025. doi: 10.1093/dote/doac025. PMID: 35596955.

  10. Ashley E, Vyas A. Diagnosing Adverse Events in Skin of Colour. Plast Aesthet Nurs (Phila). 2023;43(2):95-100, PMID: 37001004

  11. Ashley E.  Treating Depression Using Botulinum Toxin. Aesthetics Journal, Apr 2022, Volume 9, Issue 5, pg 27-30. [CPD Article].

  12. Ashley E, Vyas A. Diagnosing Adverse Events in Skin of Colour. Aesthetics Journal, Oct 2021, Volume 8, Issue 11, pg 31-35 [CPD Article].

  13. Ramjit SE, Ashley E, Donlon NE, Doyle F, Heskin L. AB074. SOH21AS020. Safety, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of minimally invasive oesophagectomies vs. open oesophagectomies: an umbrella review. Mesentery Peritoneum 2021;5:AB074.

  14. Ashley E. Exploring Photobiomodulation. Aesthetics Journal, Nov, 2020, Volume 7, Issue 12, pg 38-40.

  15. Ashley EJ, Stewart CJ, Powell BWEM. Altered Lymphatic Drainage in Malignant Melanoma after previous Sentinel Node Biopsy in the Same Nodal Drainage Basin. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Volume 72, Issue 2, 335 – 354. PubMedID: 30467007

  16. Pender E, Plant R, Ashley E, Crampton D, Donnelly S. A pilot study to evaluate the utility of the ´care’ measure to assess care and empathy in medical students. AMEE 2016 Abstract Book.

  17. Ashley E, Crampton D, Lynch C, Donnelly S, Last J. Patient and advocate-centred education: Every patient has a story. Irish Journal of Medical Science, 2014, 183(Suppl 12): 543. PubMedID: 25504079


  1. Ashley E, Parmar A, Novintan S, Watson L, Chadha P. Exploring the Psychological and Social Motivations for Aesthetic Treatments in the Post-COVID Era.Poster presented at International Master Course on Ageing Science (IMCAS) 2025; Paris, France; Jan 30-Feb 1, 2025. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33386.32963

  2. Ashley E, Chadha P, Watson L. Gender Disparity: A Closer Look at Speaker Composition at International Aesthetic Medicine Congresses. Poster presented at Aesthetic Medicine World Congress (AMWC) 2024; Monte-Carlo, Monaco; Mar 27-29, 2024. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 2024; Seoul, Korea; Apr 6-7, 2024. International Master Course on Ageing Science (IMCAS) Asia 2024; Bangkok, Thailand; Jun 21-23, 2024.

  3. Ashley E. Succeeding as a Female Clinician and Entrepreneur. Oral presentation at Congreso WOMED 2021, Association of Women Surgeons; Virtual Conference; Nov 11 2021.

  4. Ashley E. Enzymes and Eschars: A Systematic Review of the Use of Bromelain Enzymatic Debridement in the Management of Burns. Poster presented at Undergraduate Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Conference (UPRAS) 2021; Virtual Conference, Feb 27 2021.

  5. Ashley EJ, Stewart CJ, Powell BWEM. Altered Lymphatic Drainage in Malignant Melanoma after previous Sentinel Node Biopsy in the Same Nodal Drainage Basin. Oral presentation at New perspectives in surgical management of melanoma, Royal Society of Medicine; London, UK; Dec 2018.

  6. Ashley E.  Patient and advocate-centred education: Every patient has a story. Poster presented at Irish Network of Medical Educators (INMED) Annual Scientific Meeting 2015; Limerick, Ireland; Feb 2015. *Special commendation.

Book Chapters

  1. “Participation in the Conversation.” In Weaver, R. ed.  Teaching Literature at Ridgeview. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., International Academic Publishers; 2015. p. 37-46.  ISBN-13: 978-1433129476.


  1. The Snake Rock I: Ryan’s Secret. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Culture and Art Publishing House, 2006. ISBN-10: 7533922794.

  2. The Snake Rock II: The Last Offering. Hangzhou: Zhejiang Culture and Art Publishing House, 2006. ISBN-10: 7533922751.