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Which Cosmetic Treatments and Skincare Ingredients are Safe in Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is such an exciting and beautiful time in a woman’s life, but it can also be confusing and scary to navigate all of the sudden rule changes about what you can and cannot do. We want to look after ourselves and the baby as well as possible - and for many women a huge part of self-care can often involve medical aesthetic treatments and our beloved skincare routines.
But things do change during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and there are some cosmetic treatments that are better to avoid. Want to understand why you can have one treatment and not another? Read to find out!

Vaccination and Aesthetic Injectables: How the COVID-19 Vaccine affects Fillers and Botox
Everyone has been talking about the reports of patients with facial fillers getting swelling after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Initially, this was only reported in patients who had the Moderna vaccine, but there has now been a reported case of a patient in the UK who presented with swelling and inflammation after the Pfizer vaccine.
If you’ve had dermal fillers, this might sound a bit alarming, but I will explain why you should not be worried about this at all.
So let’s dispel the most common misunderstandings about this phenomenon and tell you what you really need to know.

Botox in Plastic Surgery
Botulinum toxin is one of the most famous treatments available in the realm of aesthetic medicine. We’ve written extensively about the basics of botox to tell you everything you might want to know about its use in cosmetic medicine, but believe it or not its applications extend far beyond this.
Botulinum toxin is used by plastic surgeons in a variety of different treatments, some of which you might see in an aesthetic clinic and some of which may surprise you! To learn more, we had a chat with plastic surgical trainee Dr Nauar Knightly to get a little insight into how he uses toxin in his surgical work.

The Basics of Dermal Filler
Let’s talk about dermal fillers!
What pops into your head? Sculpted jawlines? High, full cheekbones? Luscious, juicy lips?
These treatments are getting more and more popular as celebrities and others in the public eye are being more honest about getting the stunning little tweaks. But while we might be more and more aware of the fact that fillers exist, there’s a lot more under the surface that we should know.
Yes, we should know the basics of what fillers are made of, what they can do, and how most appointments play out - but the number one thing that we need to know about when it comes to fillers is safety.

What is “Baby Botox?”
The term “Baby Botox” has recently been trending.
But is this a new form of Botox, or is it just a new way to describe something we’ve always been doing? And is it different from the recently-published, novel technique of microdosing Botox?
Let’s find out!

The Basics of Botox
Botlinum toxin is one of the cornerstones of aesthetic medicine. It is a treatment that has been made famous by celebrities, and has been portrayed in various ways by the media - not always kindly or accurately. Most people know vaguely what toxin is, and probably have some sort of preconception of it. But we’re going to cover the basics of this wonderful treatment.

Botched!: The Most Famous Cosmetic Medical Complications in History
Complications happen in medicine. In this article, we visit some of the most famous complications in cosmetic medical history - from famous 19th century beauties to Las Vegas showgirls.
But while these stories are fantastic pieces of the past and can serve as a cautionary tale, they also highlight how far we have come in the skill, safety, and artistry of medically-trained injectors today.

Why I got Botox in my 20s: A Nurse Explains Why She Loves Injectables
Hannah is a clinical nurse in a busy city hospital. She is young, a smart and savvy working professional, naturally gorgeous with beautiful skin, and has an extensive medical background. And guess what? She has had - and loves - Botox. Get the story from a medical professional as she explains why she got Botox in her 20s.

The concept of “Instagram face” is not a new one, but has received more recent attention as Meta has banned filters that encourage plastic surgery. Awareness of the role that social media and photo editing plays in aesthetic medicine is incredibly important for both clinicians and patients. The influence of social media can be incredibly negative, and it means it’s more important than ever to navigate between good, ethical medical practice versus “selling” cosmetic procedures.