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Menopause and Your Skin
Menopause represents a huge change in a woman’s life. We know that there are a variety of different signs and symptoms that you can experience, but how does menopause affect your skin?
Let’s dive in.

The Importance of Skincare
We all know how much I love skincare, but did you know that you should take your skincare all the way down to your neck and decollatage?
Check out this incredible photograph to understand why!
This shows the cheek and neck of a 92-year-old lady who used UV-protection on her face but not her neck for over 40 years.

Psychology and Cosmetic Medicine
Assessment of the psychological needs of our patients is an essential aspect of good medical practice, and it is what separates the medical model from the purely “cosmetic model.”
It probably seems intuitive to suggest that there is a connection between our minds and our physical health. And the evidence holds that patient psychology matters massively in aesthetic medicine.
In this article we are going to briefly summarise some of the basic ways that cosmetic medicine and psychology intersect for clinicians.

Minerals & Skin: An Essential Guide
“Mineral” is a word that is often used when discussing various substances in our diets, but actually getting to the bottom of what we are talking about can be quite confusing!
As more and more research emphasises that a well-balanced diet has a great effect on skin health and skin ageing, more interest is turning to the role that diet plays in skin.
In this article we will summarise the roles of minerals for our skin health, and explain where you can find these minerals in your food!

Vitamins & Skin: An Essential Guide
“Vitamin” is such a buzzword in skincare and health in general. People love declaring that something contains vitamins and is great for you, but sometimes that loses its meaning when it is repeated again and again without an explanation of how they work.
The truth is that vitamins are an essential part of your skin health, but not all vitamin formulations are created equal. This is why it’s important to know exactly how each vitamin works its magic, as well as which products are worth investing in.

What is Photobiology?
There has been a lot written about the sun and your skin, especially in the context of sun protection, skin cancers, and premature ageing. But the interplay between our skin and the light is more complicated and fascinating than you could ever imagine, and it goes way beyond the common discussions of UV damage.
Photobiology is the study of the way that light interacts with living organisms, encompassing both its beneficial and negative effects.
Remember, that UV light is actually only a small part of the entire spectrum of light. There is visible light, as well as radiowaves, microwaves, infrared radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays.

COVID-19 and Your Skin: Rashes in Coronavirus Infections
When it comes to COVID-19, there is no doubt that it has touched almost every aspect of our lives. There’s been a lot of talk about the effect mask-wearing is having on our complexions (the dreaded “maskne”), but the viral infection itself can directly cause changes to our skin.
Why are these important to be aware of? We know about the common presenting complaints of COVID, which are generally non-specific (cough, high fever). However, recent research has estimated that about 8% of patients have skin symptoms, and for approximately 1/5 of these patients skin symptoms are the presenting complaint, or only sign of infection they ever have.

Hyperpigmentation is a condition where certain patches or areas of our skin can appear darker than others. This can be due to intrinsic and extrinsic factors. While gorgeously freckled skin is beautiful, sometimes this hyperpigmentation can be the result of damage or disease, and it can effect your confidence to have this discolouration.
So let’s tackle the science behind the pigment in our skin!

You Are What You Eat: Skin and Diet
Culinary medicine (and just cooking and eating in general) are passions of mine outside of the field of aesthetic medicine. I actually firmly believe that aesthetics and wellness go hand-in-hand - both feed into a general philosophy self-care for ourselves, which is essential to both our physical and mental health.
In a nutshell: I love food and I love celebrating, enjoying, and eating it. Our skin is also a reflection of our overall health, and there is not doubt that our diets play a massive role in our overall health. However, is there any truth to the claim that you can “eat for your skin?”

All About Rosacea
We all love a little bit of blush or rosy, red cheeks - but sometimes we can feel like the skin on our face is too red or warm. This can be caused be a condition called rosacea. This sensitive skin condition is extremely common, but it can be a difficult one to diagnosis in some patients.
So let’s learn the basics about what rosacea is, how it is triggered, how it can present, and what we can do about it.

Let There be Light: Let’s Talk About the Sun
Who doesn’t love spending a day in the sun? Many covet sun-kissed, tanned skin but most also know in this day and age the importance of sun protection. SPF should be your BFF.
I love saying, “Keep it simple and just wear sunscreen every single day!” But not everyone is convinced as to why that is such a good idea. Surely not every day, right? Let’s find out the difference between UVA and UVB, what SPF actually stands for, and if it matters if you wear physical or chemical sunscreens.

Lovebug: Why You Need to Embrace Your Skin Microbiome
Did you know that there is a whole universe of life existing on you? Approximately 10 million bacteria per centimeter of your skin.
I know, right?
To some people the thought is strange or even horrifying, but it is actually so normal. We have known for a long time about the importance of the gut microbiome, but more and more we’re beginning to understand what a weird and wonderful relationship we have with the bugs on our skin. Are they villains or heroes, or a little bit of both?
Let’s find out.

The concept of “Instagram face” is not a new one, but has received more recent attention as Meta has banned filters that encourage plastic surgery. Awareness of the role that social media and photo editing plays in aesthetic medicine is incredibly important for both clinicians and patients. The influence of social media can be incredibly negative, and it means it’s more important than ever to navigate between good, ethical medical practice versus “selling” cosmetic procedures.