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What is Relfydess?
Galderma has unveiled Relfydess™ (RelabotulinumtoxinA), the world’s first ready-to-use liquid neuromodulator developed with proprietary PEARL™ Technology. This groundbreaking product has recently received approval for use in Europe. So what is it, and what sets it apart from the other toxins?.

ReViVox: The Drug That Could Reverse Botox
The first thing I always explain to my patients at a Botox appointment is that while its effects are temporary, it is not reversibile, which is why careful placement and an experienced medical clinician is very important to minimise the risk of complications. Historically, we’ve never been able to reverse the effects of Botox, unlike filler - which can be dissolved.
However, a new drug ReViVox, may soon change all that, and make Botox reversible in the future!

What is Letybo?
2022 seems to be the year of new botulinum toxin innovations! You might have been hearing some buzz in the UK about a new toxin approved for the market, Letybo (also known as Letibotulinumtoxin A), from Croma-Pharma.
So what should you know about Letybo?

What to Expect at Your Injectables Appointment
There are a few very basic things you should expect from your injectables appointment.
This is why I am often surprised and even baffled when I hear that patients who have seen other practitioners have not been consented properly, have not been offered reviews, or have had their faces dissected and told they “need” XYZ treatment at quite a cost.
Don’t get me wrong. A clinician needs to be honest about what is achievable within your budget for a result that you have said you have wanted to achieve. That’s different from unsolicited critiques of any small asymmetry.
To that end, there is the Aesthetics Guide to the basics of what you should expect from your medical aesthetics injectable appointment.

What is Alluzience?
It’s not every day you see a potential innovation in the world of botulinum toxin!
So what is Alluzience?
Alluzience is a brand new botulinum toxin type A first announced in summer 2021 - soon to be launched by Galderma (the company behind Azzalure) in the EU. It represents an exciting innovation with a quicker onset and longer duration than other toxin brands out there.
Let’s find out more.

Protect Your Tatas: Why You Should NOT Be Getting Filler Injections in Your Breasts
While the idea of a liquid or “lunchtime” boob-job may sound appealing on the surface, getting filler in your breasts is not recommended by most ethical clinicians.
Well, not only is it a procedure that was rapidly withdrawn from the market over a decade ago, it was never supported with much safety data, there were various complications and risks that went with it, and it makes breast cancer screening almost impossible!

Unproven? Things About Botulinum Toxin That Even Doctors Get Wrong
There are a few often-quoted “facts” or assumptions around botulinum toxin that are actually currently unproven. But, even more surprising, these are potential misconceptions that persist even amongst fellow clinicians. I wanted to share some of the most fascinating with you!
This article is aimed at other cosmetic clinicians, but contains information that anyone who is interested in medical aesthetics might find enlightening!

An Easy Guide to Aftercare Dos and Don’ts of Injectable Treatments (And How Worried You Should Be!)
I’m always fascinated when I speak to patients from different clinicians. We seem give different aftercare advice, to be worried about different things, and it always seems to be so inconsistent!
There are some things we warn about, but that are actually quite low risk. There are other things we warn about, that should very much be paid attention to!
So here is your handy aftercare guide to the dos and don’ts after injectables.

The Twin Study: Thirteen Years of Botox
Everyone is sharing and talking about the thirteen-year Botox twin study!
This study is old news, but it’s recently been doing the rounds on social media and it’s not surprising that so many people love it! In 2006, Dr William J Binder of the UCLA School of Medicine published a paper titled “Long-term effects of botulinum toxin type A (Botox) on facial lines: a comparison in identical twins.”
It’s a great example of what subtle, beautiful, and professional done Botox can look like when completed by a medical professional. It’s a great example of Botox as prevention.

How Can I Get a Botox Prescription?
How can I get a botulinum toxin (also known as Botox) prescription?
The Answer: After a face-to-face assessment with a prescribing medical professional who has has medical aesthetics in their scope of practice.
Now why does this even need to be stated? Sadly, because it is way to easy in the unregulated landscape of the UK to get around the above. Please make no mistake, if you are getting botox either to inject or have it injected in you as a patient without the above, what it is illegal.
So let’s break it down.

Which Cosmetic Treatments and Skincare Ingredients are Safe in Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is such an exciting and beautiful time in a woman’s life, but it can also be confusing and scary to navigate all of the sudden rule changes about what you can and cannot do. We want to look after ourselves and the baby as well as possible - and for many women a huge part of self-care can often involve medical aesthetic treatments and our beloved skincare routines.
But things do change during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and there are some cosmetic treatments that are better to avoid. Want to understand why you can have one treatment and not another? Read to find out!

Vaccination and Aesthetic Injectables: How the COVID-19 Vaccine affects Fillers and Botox
Everyone has been talking about the reports of patients with facial fillers getting swelling after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Initially, this was only reported in patients who had the Moderna vaccine, but there has now been a reported case of a patient in the UK who presented with swelling and inflammation after the Pfizer vaccine.
If you’ve had dermal fillers, this might sound a bit alarming, but I will explain why you should not be worried about this at all.
So let’s dispel the most common misunderstandings about this phenomenon and tell you what you really need to know.

Botox in Plastic Surgery
Botulinum toxin is one of the most famous treatments available in the realm of aesthetic medicine. We’ve written extensively about the basics of botox to tell you everything you might want to know about its use in cosmetic medicine, but believe it or not its applications extend far beyond this.
Botulinum toxin is used by plastic surgeons in a variety of different treatments, some of which you might see in an aesthetic clinic and some of which may surprise you! To learn more, we had a chat with plastic surgical trainee Dr Nauar Knightly to get a little insight into how he uses toxin in his surgical work.

The Basics of Dermal Filler
Let’s talk about dermal fillers!
What pops into your head? Sculpted jawlines? High, full cheekbones? Luscious, juicy lips?
These treatments are getting more and more popular as celebrities and others in the public eye are being more honest about getting the stunning little tweaks. But while we might be more and more aware of the fact that fillers exist, there’s a lot more under the surface that we should know.
Yes, we should know the basics of what fillers are made of, what they can do, and how most appointments play out - but the number one thing that we need to know about when it comes to fillers is safety.

What is “Baby Botox?”
The term “Baby Botox” has recently been trending.
But is this a new form of Botox, or is it just a new way to describe something we’ve always been doing? And is it different from the recently-published, novel technique of microdosing Botox?
Let’s find out!

The concept of “Instagram face” is not a new one, but has received more recent attention as Meta has banned filters that encourage plastic surgery. Awareness of the role that social media and photo editing plays in aesthetic medicine is incredibly important for both clinicians and patients. The influence of social media can be incredibly negative, and it means it’s more important than ever to navigate between good, ethical medical practice versus “selling” cosmetic procedures.